Archive for February, 2010

Two Venues about Digital Philology

Here the announcement for two conferences about digital philology in the next few months. The first is scheduled for next week, and there is one contribution about digital representation of fragments:

III Incontro di Filologia Digitale with the paper by Matteo Romanello (Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King’s College London), L’edizione critica digitale di frammenti: problemi teorici e soluzioni tecniche .

The second, Handschriften- und Textforschung heute, takes place in Hamburg in April.

Another Project using TEI

Here is the link to another project now available on internet. It is a digital version of Du Cange’s Glossarium mediae et infimae latinitatis.

Under the heading “documentaion” they explain how they encoded the text. They speak also to some extend about fragments, as some of the entries contain quotations. They discuss the difficulties, for instance with quotations in prose vs those from poetry, with interrupted quotations or quotations which are too short.
